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<< - TD Waterhouse's Patricia Lovett-Reid and relationship therapist Joe Rich team up to give Canadians practical advice on relationships, money and risk tolerance - >>

TORONTO, Nov. 4 /CNW/ - Is there a correlation between your investments and your personal relationships? For example, if you are drawn to adventurous types, do the ups and downs of the market give you a thrill? Or, if you married your high school sweetheart, is your money stashed in reliable savings accounts?

Patricia Lovett-Reid, Senior Vice President, TD Waterhouse and relationship therapist Joe Rich, M.S.W, R.S.W, have teamed-up to provide Canadians with insight into love and money and the possible implications for their financial future.

"Now is the time for Canadians to consider taking advantage of the opportunities in the market -- but how Canadians invest and where they invest is partially dependent on their tolerance for risk," says Patricia Lovett-Reid, Senior Vice President, TD Waterhouse. "One way investors can get a gauge on their risk tolerance is by looking at the way they handle relationships. The decision-making process is very similar - it is typically a combination of knowledge, insight from friends or trusted advisors and emotion."

"Most of us have more experience with risk tolerance in relationships -in our society, people typically test the waters at a much earlier age than they ever start investing," says relationship therapist Joe Rich. "You can often find similarities in the way people invest and the types of relationships they have, both good and bad. Dating the 'bad boy' and taking a flier on a tech stock may offer the same rush, while on the other side, taking someone home to meet mom and putting money in sound blue chip investments is what makes others happy."

The old cliché "opposites attract" is often true, says Rich.

"There are times when you see that the high risk investor has found love with the blue chip partner and this is where the fun (and conflict!) often begins. I've seen situations where couples therapy is devoted to 'how we invest and spend our money' discussions'."

So how far should we push the envelope in pursuit of love or money?

"There is no easy answer," says Rich. "It is not about right or wrong, it's finding what is best for you and finding ways to make it work with your loved one."

"Good relationships and sound investment strategies are based on the same principles: open lines of communication with your partner or your financial advisor; research, into the individual or the investment opportunity; and above all, acceptance that nothing is guaranteed - in love or finances," says Ms. Lovett-Reid. "To some degree, a bit of risk makes life exciting--we have to put ourselves out there to grow as people or grow our investments. If we stay within a narrow comfort zone without ever stepping outside of it we can miss out on great rewards"

The following quiz was developed to help Canadians determine what their relationships say about their investment styles.

Can you really be lucky in money and lucky in love? Take this quick quiz to see how well your relationships can predict your investing style. Place yourself in the situations described and respond and make decisions according to what you think. Don't spend too much time on each - spontaneity is half the fun! Once you're done you can add up your score and find out if in fact your relationship thoughts do reflect your investment style!

<< 1. At a wedding, a stranger asks you to dance. You: a.) Grill them about their relation to the couple; you don't want to look silly dancing with some wedding crasher (1 point) b.) Say yes and strike up a friendly conversation (2 points) c.) Say yes, keeping in mind that the dance floor will be a good vantage point to scope out other potential partners (3 points) 2. Within a few hours of meeting someone, they'll know: a.) Your name (1 point) b.) That you're free on Saturday (3 points) c.) Your e-mail address and phone number (2 points) 3. How would you say you meet most of your dates? a.) You ask your friends to set you up with friends they think would be a good match (2 points) b.) You prefer the nightlife scene, and have considered speed dating (3 points) c.) Ads for internet dating are the closest you come to a real connection (1 point) 4. A typical first date for you would be: a.) Sunday dinner with your family (1 point) b.) Does going for pizza after the bar closes count as a date? (3 points) c.) Dinner and a movie (2 points) 5. The cutie in accounting gives you a special smile when you drop off the invoices. You: a.) Turn and run back to your cubicle (1 point) b.) Smile back and ask how their day is going (2 points) c.) Write your phone number on their arm (3 points) 6. A typical question you would ask someone on a first date is: a.) How did you like the movie? (2 points) b.) What was your name again? (3 points) c.) Have you ever considered a destination wedding? (1 point) 7. What is your perfect date?: a.) Four hours at a coffee shop: You have a lot of questions and really want to get to know someone (1 point) b.) Bungee jumping or something original, the 'same old same old' gets boring (3 points) c.) Walk in the park considering it both a good place to talk and there is enough distraction that it won't be awkward (2 points) 8. You miss a call from a number you don't recognize. You: a.) Call back excitedly - you gave your number out to a couple cuties this weekend (3 points) b.) Ignore it (1 point) c.) Wait by your phone, hoping they'll call back (2 points) Take a minute to total your score from the eight questions. Once you have a total read on - you may be surprised at how lucky in love and lucky in money may be more closely linked than you thought! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you scored 8 to 11 points: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wake up!- You may be sitting on the sidelines of love and money: >>

You've toyed with the idea of getting dressed-up for date night, but you are afraid of leaving the safety and comfort of your couch and remote control. When it comes to finances, you are probably keeping your money under your mattress and 'saving 'til it hurts'. Whether it is because you've been burned before or because you are afraid of rejection, you aren't taking even the most calculated risks and you're going to miss out. You need to get in the game!

<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you scored 12 to 17 points: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congrats!- You may be well balanced in love and the world of finances: >>

You know what you're looking for in a mate and won't settle until you find it - but you realize it may take some patience. Life's little hiccups don't throw you for a loop because you have realistic expectations and you are in this for the long haul. When it comes to money, you have taken the time to create a diversified portfolio suited to your risk tolerance. You've received good relationship advice from your friends and good financial advice from your advisor, and you've taken it all to heart. As a result, you are comfortable and confident with your relationship and financial situations.

<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you scored 18 to 24 points: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look out!- You may be a serial dater and potentially a risky investor: >>

You go through relationships faster than you go through milk in your fridge and buy and sell at the same feverish pace. While it may be fun for now, it's exhausting! And by bolting at the first sign of trouble, either with your relationships or your investments, you miss out the benefits of long-term growth. Try nurturing your financial portfolio just like a solid relationship--you can't do this if you are in and out.

"No matter which category you fall into, it is important to keep in mind that you need to continually evolve both your relationship and your investment portfolio over time," says Ms. Lovett-Reid. "I believe it is possible to be lucky in money and love - making that happen requires accepting a certain level of risk, giving the required attention and maintaining a long-term outlook."

About TD Bank Financial Group:

The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Financial Group. TD Bank Financial Group is the sixth largest bank in North America by branches and serves approximately 17 million customers in four key businesses operating in a number of locations in key financial centres around the globe: Canadian Personal and Commercial Banking, including TD Canada Trust and TD Insurance; Wealth Management, including TD Waterhouse and an investment in TD Ameritrade; U.S. Personal and Commercial Banking through TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank; and Wholesale Banking, including TD Securities. TD Bank Financial Group also ranks among the world's leading online financial services firms, with more than 5.5 million online customers. TD Bank Financial Group had CDN$545 billion in assets on July 31, 2009. The Toronto-Dominion Bank trades under the symbol "TD" on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges.

For further information: Carolyn Abbass, Karen McCullough, Paradigm Public Relations, (416) 203-2223,,; Maria Leung, TD Bank Financial Group, (416) 983-4093,

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