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Wildlife Response Network marks 20,000th project funded by TD FEF

TORONTO, Aug. 18, 2011 /CNW/ - When there's an injured animal in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Before trying to help, if citizens encounter animals requiring care their first call should be to wildlife professionals for guidance. Wildlife in Atlantic Canada will soon have their own emergency lifeline with the launch of Atlantic Wildlife Institute's (AWI) Wildlife Response Network. This first-responder training program will equip volunteers with the skills to help wildlife in distress.

With support from TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (TD FEF), the New Brunswick-based Wildlife Response Network will train volunteers to assess wildlife crisis scenarios, report possible hazardous situations, and properly transport an animal to a receiving facility. TD FEF's support of AWI's Wildlife Response Network program marks the 20,000th project funded by the Foundation.

"Assisting wildlife rescue and rehabilitation programs is a priority for TD FEF, and we're proud to mark funding 20,000 environment and wildlife projects in Canada with this important program," said Mary Desjardins, Executive Director, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation. "We recognize these programs have a real need for funding, and we'll continue to provide financial support to qualified wildlife and environment projects. We have funding available, and I encourage organizations to apply for financial support today."

Wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organizations like AWI provide care for thousands of animals across the country annually. AWI recently welcomed an orphaned bobcat kitten, known as "Rufus", to the Institute. Rufus is a crossbreed between a lynx and a bobcat, making him an endangered species. Rufus was brought to AWI by a family that cared for him at home with a dog, which left him domesticated and AWI is now preparing Rufus to be reintegrated into the wild.

"We hope the Wildlife Response Network will help us better care for wildlife in distress by providing local contacts for injured or abandoned animals," said Barry Rothfuss, co-founder, Atlantic Wildlife Institute. "We're honoured that the Wildlife Response Network is the 20,000th project supported by TD FEF. This funding makes a significant difference and enables us to provide care and rehabilitation for wildlife in the communities we serve."

TD FEF supports wildlife rescue and rehabilitation projects across Canada:

  • Edmonton, Alberta: The Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre of Edmonton (WRSE) cares for more than 1,000 patients per year through their Animal Care Program; of these patients, 85 per cent are birds and 15 per cent are small mammals.
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba: The Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre's Community Wildlife Education Project rescues and rehabilitates injured or orphaned birds and small mammals, for release back into the wild. The centre provides educational programs to promote co-existence with humans and the importance of keeping wildlife "wild".
  • London, Ontario: Salthaven Wildlife and Rehabilitation Centre receives 25 to 30 calls a day regarding displaced, sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife that sometimes require round the clock care. TD FEF supports Salthaven's efforts to educate the public on what to do when they encounter wildlife in need of care.
  • Quebec: Le Nichoir Wild Bird Rehabilitation Centre provides proper care and treatment for injured, sick, or orphaned wild birds and releases them back into their natural habitat. Le Nichoir also provides advice and information about wild birds and their environment through educational programs and annual public events.

Non-profit organizations interested in submitting a request for financial support to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation should visit for more information. Funding applications are only accepted online.

About TD Friends of the Environment Foundation:

Since 1990, TD FEF has provided more than $54 million in funding to approximately 20,000 grassroots environment and wildlife projects across Canada. In 2010, TD FEF provided more than $3.5 million in support of 970 projects. Thousands of donors give to TD FEF on a monthly basis and TD Bank Group contributes in excess of $1 million annually. TD also covers the management costs of running TD FEF, which guarantees 100 per cent of every dollar donated goes directly to funding environment and wildlife projects in the community where the donation was made. For more information on how to donate and get involved in your community, visit

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