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• Oct. 23, 2018

When you picture the future of work, what do you envision?

Do you see a world of robots powered by artificial intelligence, or self-driving transport trucks humming on smart tracks?

While that future may seem distant now, new technological innovations and online experiences are already transforming the way millions of North Americans work every day. Now, researchers, academics and experts are confronting tough challenges related to the future of work as technology plays an increasing role in how we work, how we contribute to society, and make a living.

To help facilitate some of this important work, today TD announced the first 10 grant recipients of the inaugural TD Ready Challenge. Each recipient is dedicated to helping create financial security and giving people the skills they need to feel confident that they can succeed, thrive and feel ready for the future.

READ: TD launches The TD Ready Challenge to find innovative solutions to help prepare for the future

Each of the recipients will receive $1-million (CDN) in funding to develop their solutions to emerging problems. The 10 successful applicants (pulled from more than 200 submissions) were named as the organizations that best demonstrated solutions that have the potential to make a significant impact on communities that are at risk of falling behind due to technological advancements.

Learn more about the 2018 grant recipients and their bold new solutions for the future of work below:

ACCES Employment
Ontario, Canada

Women in Technology

Dedicated to recognizing emerging high-growth areas in STEM, ACCES Employment will provide immigrant women with training, employer connections and experiential learning to help secure and retain competitive employment in programming and cybersecurity.

Byte Back
Washington, DC, United States
Byte Back Ready – Pathways to Economic Success

Byte Back will expand its inclusive training program from the Washington, DC region into Baltimore, helping more people enter life-changing careers and fully participate in the digital economy.

Canada Learning Code
Ontario, Canada
Unlocking the Power of Code – Digital Literacy Education for Adults

Canada Learning Code offers hands-on, accessible learning for mid-career individuals to increase their digital literacy and technological knowledge in order to thrive in a rapidly-changing job market. A great initiative for adults interested in making a career shift into technology.

École des entrepreneurs du Québec
Québec, Canada
Prévisio Software with Financial Literacy Training

This program helps to increase entrepreneurs financial literacy and helps them to make strategic decisions around common challenges such as financial forecasting based on business results.

Windmill Microlending
Alberta, Canada

Increasing Income Stability for Skilled Immigrants

This program will increase income stability for newcomers to Canada with a program that provides low-interest loans of up to $10,000 to skilled immigrants to fund the costs of training and Canadian credentials. The program also offers support and guidance for utilizing a participants’ past education and experience.

JEVS Human Services
Pennsylvania, United States
JEVS-College for America – Greater Philadelphia Area

A collaborative effort with Southern New Hampshire University’s College for America (CfA), this initiative will address the inaccessibility of post-secondary education for those from low-income families by allowing individuals access to employer-driven degree programs and to living wage opportunities.

JFF/Audacious Futures
Cross Border - Massachusetts, United States and Ontario, Canada

FutureFit AI - The Navigation Map for the Future of Work and Learning

An AI-powered upskilling / reskilling program that addresses future of work challenges in the age of AI and automation. The organization empowers individuals by helping them set goals while providing guidance to achieve them.

Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC)
Pennsylvania, United States
Creating Income Security through Technology-Based Workforce Development

A partnership between PHMC and Homeworks N’ Camden (a local nonprofit) this initiative will work with young adults to build towards a sustainable future by blending intensive coding with technology skills through a nationally-recognized workforce development curriculum.

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
Ontario, Canada

TD-HELIX Transformation Initiative

To tackle the challenge of reskilling mid-career professionals whose jobs might be impacted by changes in the labour market, this program will change a participant's 'career DNA' and improve creative thinking, problem-solving, communications and collaborating skills.

Woodgreen Community Services
Ontario, Canada
Accelerating Possibilities – Creating Sustainable Pathways to Success in a Changing Landscape

This accelerator program is designed to help mid-career participants achieve financial stability and sustainable employment.

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