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VANCOUVER, July 3 /CNW/ - The Minerva Foundation for BC Women is pleased to welcome TD Bank Financial Group as a corporate supporter of their Combining Our Strength(TM) initiative. TD has generously pledged $125,000 over five years that will be used to provide programs and opportunities for Aboriginal women in the areas of education, leadership development, economic security and safety. "To have strong, vibrant communities we need organizations such as the Minerva Foundation to provide services that have a real impact for women in the Aboriginal community," said Kerry Peacock, Senior Vice President, TD Canada Trust. "TD is pleased to be able to lend support and I know that the Minerva Foundation will be a very positive force in these womens' lives." TD joins Combining Our Strength donors and sponsors Bell, BC Hydro, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Deloitte, EnCana and the Government of British Columbia. Together they enable the Minerva Foundation to assist Aboriginal women with the challenges that they face in their communities today and in creating a legacy for the future. "The Combining Our Strength initiative is unique in that it is a partnership between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women who are working together to build capacity within the Aboriginal community to produce systemic change with sustainable results," says Jody Wilson, co-chair of the Combining Our Strength council. "We are fortunate to have the support of TD Bank Financial Group. Their sponsorship will assist the Minerva Foundation to continue to provide opportunities for Aboriginal women." About the Minerva Foundation for BC Women: The Minerva Foundation for BC Women is an independent non-profit organization that aims to inspire and empower women and girls to reach their full potential by creating opportunities and offering programs through trusted partnerships, in the areas of education, leadership development, economic security, and safety. In 1999 a group of concerned BC women formed the Minerva Foundation to help improve the lives of women and girls throughout the province of BC. The Minerva Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who oversee the allocation of education awards and community grants to women centered organizations and provides direction for the Minerva Helping Women Work(TM) program and the Foundation's leadership development programs, including Learning to Lead(TM) and Follow a Leader(TM), as well as its Combining Our Strength(TM) initiative partnering with Aboriginal women. TD Community Giving: Making a Difference Together Children's health, literacy and education, and the environment are the three main areas of focus for community giving at TD. Flagship programs within these areas include: TD Children's Hospital Fund; TD Friends of the Environment Foundation; TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup; TD Canadian Children's Book Week; TD Canada Trust Scholarships for Community Leadership; and the TD Summer Reading Club. With support from customers and employees, TD is also involved with a host of national, regional and local causes benefiting diversity, arts and culture and other community programs. In 2007, TD donated $33 million to more than 2,000 organizations across Canada. For further information: Jill Thomas, Communications Coordinator, The Minerva Foundation for BC Women, Phone: (604) 683-7635, Email:; Kristen Coutts, TD Bank Financial Group, Phone: (416) 983-0390, Email:

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