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TDCF press release 091421
• Sep 15, 2021

CHERRY HILL, N.J. – September 15, 2021 – The TD Charitable Foundation, the charitable giving arm of TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank®, today launched the 16th annual Housing for Everyone grant competition, pledging $5.8 million to 33 local housing non-profit organizations to support affordable housing providers deliver critical resident services to individuals and families in need.

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the challenges facing individuals and families, pushing housing organizations and staff to work tirelessly to meet an increased demand for assistance. As a result, many affordable housing providers expanded offerings and increased staff responsibilities. These efforts, which have helped many families stay in their homes, have increased demand on an already lean housing provider employee population.

The end of a national eviction moratorium could lead to an increased demand for the support provided by affordable housing providers as more than 15 million renters collectively owe as much as $20 billion to their landlords, according to the Aspen Institute.

"As people across the nation face increasingly uncertain futures, the support housing organizations provide is more critical than ever," said Paige Carlson-Heim, Director of the TD Charitable Foundation. "Affordable housing providers have worked tirelessly during the pandemic to support individuals and families, but the long hours and stretched roles have pushed their staff to the brink. Support from the TD Charitable Foundation's Housing for Everyone grant competition will help to ensure that affordable housing organizations can continue to provide the resources and assistance individuals and families need to keep or find a safe, affordable place to call home."

Application Details

To be considered for a grant through the Housing for Everyone competition, applicants must be affordable housing providers offering needed resident services, such as workforce development; housing navigation and eviction prevention; housing counseling; and financial coaching and education. Special consideration will be given to those organizations clearly outlining a need to increase services to residents as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and directly benefiting low-moderate income individuals and/or families within TD’s footprint.

For additional details and to access the 2021 Housing for Everyone grant competition application, please visit Applications are open until 4:00 p.m. (EST) on October 28, 2021. Winners will be announced in March 2022.

Since 2005, the TD Charitable Foundation, which uses donations to help sustain the well-being of the communities TD serves, has awarded more than $36 million through the Housing for Everyone competition to nearly 500 projects that have increased access to affordable, stable housing situations for vulnerable populations.

Housing for Everyone supports TD's longstanding commitment to community enrichment and efforts to help people live with greater financial confidence and through the TD Ready Commitment, TD's corporate citizenship platform. The TD Ready Commitment seeks to align TD's business, philanthropy and human capital to drive impact in the communities we serve.

Through the TD Ready Commitment, TD is targeting $755 million towards community giving across four drivers of change – financial security, vibrant planet, connected communities, and better health – to support the changes necessary to create a more inclusive and sustainable future. For more information about the TD Ready Commitment, please visit:

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