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• Oct. 14, 2019

What's the difference between having a job and a career?

For Sarah Jevnikar, it's the opportunity to do work that makes an impact on people's lives. And in her role at TD, she gets to do just that for people living with disabilities.

At birth, Jevnikar developed an eye disease that eventually led to blindness, making some spaces—such as the university classroom or the workplace—less accessible due to inadequate technology and lack of awareness.

Now an IT Accessibility Analyst in TD's Assistive Technologies lab, Jevnikar is helping other colleagues with disabilities excel by connecting them with the tools needed to thrive in their roles.

READ: Four ways I think we can better support people with disabilities in the workplace

According to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, more than 400,000 disabled working-age Canadians are currently unemployed despite reporting that they are willing and able to work, creating an untapped pool of talent that many industries could employ to address skills shortages.

Watch the video above to learn more about Jevnikar's story and how TD's Assistive Technologies Lab is helping create meaningful careers for more of our colleagues with disabilities.

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