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Hero BHM
• Jan 8, 2021

This February is not just another Black History Month. After 2020, it can't be. We know we need to do more and are engaging with Black colleagues, communities and customers to fight anti-Black racism. We are committed to helping drive progress through our business, philanthropy, and for colleagues.

The question we all should really be asking this February

By Elizabeth Vaah

Group Manager, Market Risk, TD Bank Group

Black History Month must be time for reflection and celebration, but it also must be a time to commit to doing more to create equality. A time to think about how we as individuals are making a difference in fighting anti-Black bias and racism.

After George Floyd was killed, I just didn't have the energy to work. For a few days I didn't feel like logging onto my computer or being chatty during video meetings and smiling as images of Floyd's last moments struggling to breathe under a police officer's knee flashed through my mind.

Worse, I had no words of comfort for my young son. The world had just witnessed someone who looked like him being dehumanized involving one of the very institutions I taught him and his siblings to respect...

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Our ongoing commitment

Our efforts in helping to create a more equitable tomorrow can't and won't stop after February. As we look to create change this month and every month after, this is a commitment to amplify the voices and stories of Black colleagues, communities and customers.

Find an event in your community this Black History Month

Want to learn more about Community?
How JAYU brings paid work for young photographers into focus
How you can participate in Black History Month in Canada
How TD Wealth's Private Giving Foundation is helping donors leave a legacy

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