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• Jan 31, 2022

The purpose of Valentine's Day is to show someone special that you care about them, so it's understandable if you feel tempted to make a statement by spending more than usual on food and presents. Still, it's always a good idea to remember that love doesn't have a monetary value, and a frugal celebration can be just as romantic as a splurge.

Here are some tips for saving money on Valentine's Day while focusing on what really matters: your relationship.

Get a good deal on flowers

Flowers are usually marked up on the days leading up to Valentine's Day. If you want to buy a bouquet, call a few different local florists, grocery stores and discount retailers to find out where you can get flowers at an affordable price. Keep in mind that roses are often one of the more expensive options, and you might have better luck scoring a deal on a less conventional choice like daisies or ferns.

Have a romantic dinner at home

You don't have to spend a huge amount of money to have that fancy Valentine's Day meal. There are plenty of pre-made options at food stores that are easy to put together - no matter your cooking skills - that will cost significantly less than eating at a restaurant or takeout. You can provide the right atmosphere in your home by making it a candlelight dinner with your favorite music playing in the background.

Bake your own sweets

Candies and baked goods are at a premium on any holiday, and Valentine's Day is no exception. Save some money by making your own cake pops, brownies, fudge, or crepes. To maximize your savings, hold a pre-holiday baking party with a few friends and split the cost of ingredients.

Exchange personalized IOUs

Instead of buying jewelry or other costly gifts, you and your significant other could craft thoughtful IOUs to "cash in" on Valentine's Day or throughout the year. For example, each IOU could be worth one back rub or one story illustrating what you love about your partner. You could also write IOUs for chores your partner doesn't like to do, such as washing the dishes.

You could also exchange IOUs for bigger projects and experiences, like organizing your photo collection or going camping under the stars. These presents don't come with a price tag, but they can be more valuable than store-bought gifts because they're from the heart.

Volunteer as a couple

Working on a service project, like packing boxes for a food bank, cleaning up a neighborhood park, or making calls for a charity fundraiser can be meaningful ways to spend the evening together without having to pay any money. You can enjoy some quality time with your partner while expressing values like love and caring that are the essence of Valentine's Day.

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