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• Oct 27, 2022

There has been heightened focus in recent years on sustainable and socially responsible behavior in the banking industry by customers, regulators, and many others. In response, TD Bank's commitment to these priorities has had an increasing role in building partnerships, elevating communities, and the bank's mission to help make the world a better place.

To learn more about ESG, we invite you to view our featured video below, which kicks off a series focused on TD and ESG.

"ESG is an acronym for the words Environmental, Social, and Governance. This phrase provides a universal language to talk about three very important aspects of our business and how they connect with one another," said Shelley Sylva, Head of U.S. Corporate Citizenship for TD Bank, in a video. "When I think of E, immediately the health of our planet comes to mind. We're very mindful of how our work at TD impacts the planet and how things happening to our planet affect our business and the communities around us. The S or Social is how TD Bank shows up as a part of the fabric of the communities we serve. And G is governance. That's our leadership and management, and how we govern within the bank."

The bank's partnership with Dr. Vivian Graham, an endodontist and small business customer in New Jersey, is one example of TD's dedication to the "S" of how it serves communities. TD is excited to honor Dr. Graham's work during Women's Business Month in October. To learn more about ESG and Dr. Graham, we invite you to view our featured video, which kicks off a series focused on TD and ESG.

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