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Arabia Cash 770
• Aug 21, 2019

Video highlights impact of PHMC program for tech training

Arabia Cash's life changed forever when she became a young mother, and she knew her expectations for the future had to shift as well.

That's why she decided to participate in a 2018 TD Ready Challenge Grant recipient program managed by Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC), a nonprofit public health institute serving the Greater Philadelphia region, in partnership with local non-profit Hopeworks N’ Camden, located in New Jersey, which provides the digital training and skill building. This initiative provides at-risk young adults with the opportunity to build towards a sustainable future by offering intensive coding training with other technology skills. It will enable participants to get higher-income jobs to support themselves and their families.

PHMC provides the wrap-around support services participants need to succeed, such as trauma-informed counseling, linkages to community resources, coaching/mentoring and other programs, according to Christina Miller, PHMC's Managing Director of Health Promotion Services. "This combination of health and social services, in conjunction with job training and financial stability support, provides a super-vitamin effect that boosts outcomes for program participants and enables success.”

Arabia certainly agrees that the program is providing the best opportunity to achieve success in her pursuits.

"Being a parent changed my whole character," Arabia said. "If I wasn't a parent, I probably wouldn't be here. Now, I love coding and the opportunity to learn things."

The PHMC/Hopeworks program subscribes to the belief that people have ability to be successful with the right resources.

"Success isn't a skill, it's a muscle, it's something that you work to get stronger," said Dan Rhoton, the Executive Director of Hopeworks.

What is The TD Ready Challenge?

The TD Ready Challenge is a major part of bringing to life The Ready Commitment, TD's multi-year program to open doors for a more inclusive tomorrow. As part of The Ready Commitment, TD will target a total of CDN $1 billion by 2030 towards community giving in four areas critical to building an inclusive future – Financial Security, a more Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities and Better Health. TD will also align this work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. In its inaugural year, the TD Ready Challenge focused on Financial Security through workforce development, funding solutions to the education and training necessary for obtaining higher level employment to people facing socioeconomic barriers to post-secondary education. The 2019 TD Ready Challenge seeks to provide financial support to organizations that have designed innovative solutions to increase equitable health outcomes for more people.

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