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• Sep 5, 2024

Jay Beaulieu, Senior Business Manager, Consumer Distribution Program and Delivery, has been with TD Bank for more than 18 years.

It's been an incredible career journey for Jay at TD in so many ways. But what Jay treasures most is being able to identify as his true authentic self at work.

"When I started at the bank, I identified as female, I identified as a lesbian," Jay said. "And feeling supported through that was absolutely incredible … But about 12 years into my career, I came out as transgender and started my medical transition. That included the name change and more."

Jay came out to his family, but wasn't at all hesitant to come out at work as well.

"In fact, it's a funny story that when I scheduled a call with my supervisor to have this initial discussion about next steps, he had a sixth sense on why I was calling," Jay added. "So having the support that I had was incredible. I had to come out to thousands of people at the time because I was a regional operations officer who worked with many folks across the Metro Market and back offices across the Bank. And the support and love that I received through that process was just absolutely amazing."

Chosen First Name takes shape

A few years ago, Jay was tapped to collaborate and work with Steph Eckersley-Ray, Program Delivery Executive, and LGBTQ2+ Business Executive Lead, on a project called Chosen First Name that's not only important to the LGBTQ2+ community, but also to other demographics like the Multicultural community and more.

The Chosen First Name feature offers customers the option to use a first name that is different from their legal or given name on their online accounts and cards, with more functions on the way.

"The project dates back to 2021," Steph said. "I've been at the bank for 19 years and this project and concept was one of the items I put on my impact list, actually at the top of that list because it really does make a difference to the lives of our customers. The project was done with passion and in a respectful way."

Being able to store a customer's chosen first name and use it beyond just credit cards is something Steph and Jay said is crucial to helping the customer live their best life and live the life they choose.

"When I was a store manager, we had one customer and his legal name was John, but he went by Jack," Jay said. "Anytime I had a new teller, and I saw him walking into the store, I had to intercept them and let them know to call him Jack or he would be offended. It's absolutely related to banking human because how else would anybody know that this gentleman was going to be upset unless you have a relationship with him?"

Through Chosen First Name, new customers are asked upfront if they have a chosen first name that they would like to add. And for existing customers, it's a simple edit of a field, an update that's shared throughout the TD system.

TD is committed to integrating innovation and creativity into the brand. This initial launch lays a foundation for TD to enhance the feature and create more seamless experiences for colleagues and customers.

“Our goal is to deliver innovation through best-in-class technology to empower our colleagues to deliver legendary customer experiences. Inclusion is essential to meeting that goal,” said Ravi Acharya, Consumer Distribution Program and Delivery Executive, and Multicultural Network Executive Sponsor, TD Bank. “We are excited to continue building on this initial launch by expanding this feature to other business lines and channels, and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on colleagues and customers.”

Chosen First Name is for anyone

While colleagues and customers in the LGBTQ2+ community would use and appreciate Chosen First Name, so many others would welcome the ability to bank with the name or nickname of their choice.

"You have the use within our Trans and our Gender Expansive community, but there are so many other instances where it was just so obvious that this was going to make a difference to people," Steph said.

For example, you might have a colleague who goes by Matt instead of Matthew, or someone from a different cultural or ethnic background that uses their middle name as their first name.

"I think to have a safe place for people when they come into a store, and a work environment that feels safe, is so crucial," Steph said. "So, to me, it means everything. It means everything to my family."

Jay added that Chosen First Name is also crucial as a safety feature for those in the trans community or those who are gender non-conforming.

"To be able to present a debit card at a store where the name matches their gender presentation is huge," Jay said. "I'm still so excited that we got this through. It truly is the definition of Banking Human. It really is."

Making our colleagues and customers feel 'at home'

For Jess Lopez, Store Manager in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, her birth name is Jessita but she goes by Jess or Jessie. The origin of her name has a lot of meaning to her.

"My dad, who was from Puerto Rico, named me Jessita. Unfortunately, I never thought to ask him why.  He passed back in 2014," she said. "But according to Google, Jessita is of Portuguese origin, and means 'Gift of God.' "

Jess started to make some personal changes about a year ago that included shortening her name.

"I changed how I dressed, cut my hair and I decided to shorten my name to be more like me, not so feminine, not so masculine. Somewhere in between," Jess explained. "As a visible, proud female leader, it was also important for me to show my peers that this was ok to make this change. To give them the inspiration and courage to take the steps they need to be their true, authentic self at work."

In addition to her personally, Jess has seen what it means to the customers she serves at TD every day.

"Being respected makes you feel included," she said. "You also feel safe when you feel accepted and acknowledged, especially in face-to-face interactions. When you acknowledge someone simply as a human being, it changes their world."

Jess remembers one customer and how their story really affected her.

"I remember them sitting at my desk and feeling comfortable enough to ask me if I could put their preferred name somewhere in the notes," Jess said. "They went on to tell me how they moved across the country because they were not exactly accepted by their family when they told them they were transitioning. It broke my heart. But I made sure that while they were with me, I used their preferred name and made them feel at home."

Tears of joy for our customers

Kelly Sevigny, Store Manager in Athol, Massachusetts, is a passionate advocate for inclusivity and support, and believes the Chosen First Name feature creates a supportive and inclusive space for all customers.

"Allowing individuals to use their chosen first name is a crucial aspect of respecting their identity and promoting a culture of understanding and acceptance," she said. “This feature shows that TD Bank is committed to supporting a welcoming environment for all our customers.”

In fact, she has a heart-warming story of how the new feature helped a customer.

"A customer came in recently to report a lost debit card," she explained. "During our conversation, she shared the challenges she has been facing since transitioning. I was honored to inform her that TD Bank recognizes and respects her identity." This acceptance and empathy led to an emotional and special experience.

Work with your local store customer service representative to add your Chosen First Name and make your interactions even more personal!

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