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2019 Arbor Day
• Apr 25, 2019

As the home of the Liberty Bell and the Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia has deep historic roots. Next week, a group of volunteers will more deeply connect with the city's green roots.

On Tuesday, April 30, TD Bank employees, city officials, and local residents will participate in an event in Overington Park organized by TreePhilly. Volunteers will beautify and maintain the park, while city arborists hold workshops on pruning, tree identification, and a tree climbing demonstration.

The event celebrates Philadelphia receiving the designation as a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation for the 43rd consecutive year. It is the only U.S. city to have received this designation each year since the program's inception. The award recognizes excellence in urban forestry management.

“The trees of Philadelphia’s streets and parks are some of our city’s greatest assets,” said Kathryn Ott Lovell, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Commissioner. "We are honored to have our hard work recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation."

TD Bank first partnered in 2016 with TreePhilly, a collaboration between Philadelphia Parks & Recreation and the Fairmount Park Conservancy to expand its yard tree program. TD extended its partnership with TreePhilly in September 2018 to help improve the environmental health of Philadelphia over the next three years. Earlier this month, TD Bank was named as one of the 32 Faces of Philanthropy by the Philadelphia Business Journal, recognizing its partnership with the Fairmount Park Conservancy to support TreePhilly's expansion of green spaces throughout the city.

This new partnership enables TreePhilly to more effectively work on environmental equity issues that directly impact the health of residents. TD's support will allow TreePhilly to address underserved neighborhoods through street and public park planting to provide much needed green canopies. Studies show that communities with ample shade trees have better overall health.

A tangible impact on the city

By focusing on the entire urban canopy, TreePhilly will make a tangible impact on the vibrancy, health and sustainability on all of Philadelphia.

TD’s sponsorship of TreePhilly is part of The Ready Commitment, TD's corporate citizenship program, which aims to help individuals and communities prosper in a changing world. The program falls squarely within The Ready Commitment's Vibrant Planet driver, to help communities grow and enhance green spaces.

"The positive environmental and social impact of the TreePhilly program align with The Ready Commitment by elevating the quality of the environment through expanding the tree canopy and enabling Philadelphians to become more deeply connected to their communities, thus enriching lives and stimulating business," said Joseph Doolan, Head of Environmental and Community Partnerships at TD.

TD set a target to plant one million new trees in communities across North America by 2030 as one of the goals of the Ready Commitment. Last week, TD announced its new partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation for TD Green Space Grants. Previously TD and the Arbor Day Foundation worked together on TD Green Streets, which resulted in the planting of nearly 400,000 natives and shrubs across North America and the U.K.

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