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• Jan 31, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic created a crisis around the globe in 2020 with its economic and social impacts. It has particularly hurt communities that are already struggling with unemployment and high poverty rates.

TD has been particularly focused on helping vulnerable communities by providing financial support during the pandemic through initiatives such as the TD Ready Challenge and TD Community Resilience Initiative. Through these programs, the Bank has allocated nearly $20 million to help organizations focused on COVID-19 recovery.

The Newark Working Kitchens (NWK) initiative is the latest example of TD Bank helping to make a difference. Audible, a company headquartered in Newark, sought TD's support this spring to launch an innovative initiative to help both struggling small businesses and vulnerable communities.

Local area small restaurants would provide meals for Audible to deliver, using their fleet and drivers, to food-insecure residents of Newark.

"We knew TD is very invested in supporting the Newark community, so we reached out to the bank for help getting started," said Manny Antunes, program manager at Audible.

Since its launch, more than 650,000 meals have been served up and over 24 restaurants have been able to keep workers on the payroll due to the initiative.

It's been such a success that TD recently added an additional $250,000 to its initial contribution for the same amount in the spring, according to Shelly Sylva, Head of TD's Social Impact.

The Bank also provided guidance and advice from our Small Business experts to help the city's restaurant-owners navigate the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) application process and keep their doors open.

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